Thursday 16 February 2017


hai gaizz,, hemmm mkinn hari hati wa mmakin kusut bkn masalah cinta tapi personal kan.. canne ek nak selesaikan masalh tapi xnk bagitau org... :)

quotes of the day : no matter what's happening .. think through your heart not anger... because heart never lie... heart will decide you to sit at ease or otherwise

Tuesday 7 February 2017


hello guyss.. hemm hrini ak dh rse nk move onn.. patut ke ak brhenti mnat seseorang ni sdgkan dia xtau yg ak mnat kat dia..


dan ak pn xtau dia nk kt ak ke x.. dr stu sudut. ak tkut brtepuk sbelah tgn.. dr stu sudut lg ak rse dia pn mcm ak..

so the best that i can do is stay strong .. slama 5thn ak xprnah brganjak.

siapalah nk dgr ak tulis mnda mengarut mcm nii.. hehe

quotes for today : ) sometimes.. to makesure that he always infront of ur eyes is to stay quiett. . . .



hi.. lama dh x jenguk blog ni.. BERTAHUN JGK LAAHH hehe

ni smua kesnya sbb sy ni masih muda belia > < haruslah study hard..

tujuan sy muncul buat julung2 kaliny setelah dlm agak2 3 thn jgaklahh x bukak blog ni.. sy nk SHARE lah psl stu soalan..

soalannya : macam mana nk tau org kau mnat .. mnat kau ke x sebenya.. 

AHAA! itulah soalannya.. ada bran mau jawab? nnti d episod akn dtg sy bgitau ye. dh freedom ni tiap2 hri blh cek blog . jgn risau

and quotes for today : be a white rose in between red rosses. white rose symbolize ur innocent, unique and indepent among  of red rosses which is peoples around you...

#be brave adiosss
